How To Create Effective Call To Actions

A Call To Action or CTA is a small piece to your marketing arsenal that makes all the difference. They are often easy to dismiss, being only a few short words, often tacked at the end of longer copy or on a button. However, when it comes to completing every business owner’s ultimate goal, generating more conversions, the humble CTA begins to look a lot bigger.

What is a CTA?

In essence, a Call To Action is an interactive element that is designed to push your website’s visitors down the next step of their journey with your brand. A CTA acts as a jumping on point for your customers after your website, or other forms of marketing, have convinced them to take the next step with your brand.

Call To Actions can come in many different forms. These range from buttons, forms, subscription boxes, social sharing, and more. One element they all have in common is snappy content that encourages or pushes a user into converting. It acts as the final point to convince your users that they want to purchase your product or service.

Why are CTA’s important?

Along with your headlines, Call To Actions are one of the most read forms of copy on a website. Your visitors will use it in conjunction with your headlines to determine whether your product or service is what they are looking for.

A CTA also encourages engagement from your audience, demanding immediate action from them. Many use the fear of missing out to induce urgency, increasing the number of clicks you receive. Creating an eye-catching and click grabbing CTA will result in an increase in engagement and by extension sales.

Now that you know why a Call To Action is so important, here is how you create a great CTA.

How to make a great CTA

With Call To Actions being vital to any marketing strategy, it is important to get them right. Sometimes, depending on your writing talents, they can seem like a fine art that takes years to master. While they can take practice, here are 4 tips to creating great Call To Actions.

Look at your target audience

Your target audience will give you a great idea as to your word choices. When writing your CTA’s consider who you are trying to attract and what will appeal to them. What will make them want to click?

To start with, create personas of your target audience. What do they find important? How does your product solve their problems? You should also consider their age, location and more. Look to their demographic, the product you are targeting towards them, and whether they will have visited your website before. All of this will determine the tone and message you convey in your Call To Actions.

What do you want to achieve?

Which wording choices you make and where on your website you place your CTA’s will be determined by your goals. Do you want your customers to subscribe to a newsletter, download an e-book, share something on social media, buy something, fill out a form, or be directed to other pages on your website?

You may want to achieve a few of these, and you can, with well placed call to action buttons. Try including a value add in your CTA’s. What will they get out of clicking on this button? Will there be a free trial? A quote? Weekly Industry Insights? Try working the value add into the copy to increase the likelihood of your visitors clicking on those buttons.

Consider the placement of your CTA

The placement of your CTA’s is very important. What you want to achieve, the content around it, and the location you put the CTA should all line up. This will make it easier to sell the visitor on following the CTA and converting.

Build relevant Call To Action’s into your landing pages, guiding your visitors through your funnel towards conversion. It is always a good idea to have some variety as you will find some visitors convert off certain CTA’s while others convert off another CTA. As long as the content and destination around the CTA is relevant you will find great conversions.

Test your CTA’s

The best way to create great CTA’s is through trial and error. Test different variations of content, button size, button colour, CTA tone, and style. By trying different versions, you will eventually come across one that works extremely well, drawing in many conversions.

Many different platforms allow you to split test your Call To Actions. Facebook, for example, allows you to run A/B testing on your Ads. Meaning you can run multiple versions of the same Ad with slightly tweaked CTA’s allowing you to see what works and what does not.


Now that you have the tools to write an effective Call To Action it is time to give it a go. The only way to learn how to create great CTA’s is through practice. It may take some trial and error but eventually you will find what works and will be rewarded for that.

Alternatively, if you don’t have the time required to learn how to create great Call To Actions you can talk to the experts. We have many years’ experience writing fantastic CTA’s that convert. So, you can focus on your business, working with the new customers our work brings in. If you would like to generate more conversions from your digital marketing and make more sales talk to us today.

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Picture of Jade Macbeth

Jade Macbeth

Meet Jade, our resident logophile, wordsmith, and brand maestro. Armed with her trusty keyboard and a firm belief that knowledge is the ultimate cheat code for success, she's all about equipping you with the finest intellectual ammo. Because once you truly grasp a concept, you've got all the tools you need to start getting the most out of your pursuits.

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